Sunday, August 17, 2008


Isn't it just GREAT when you're sitting around with a group of people and your pastor is talking about something or other, and you suddenly feel the unquenchable need to have a ridiculous sidebar that makes no sense at all in the grand scheme of things, but somehow you just can't stop yourself?

Me: *burps quietly* Excuse me.

Shaun: (whispers) What?

Me: (whispers back) I said excuse me, I just burped.

Shaun: Oh.

Me: (quietly) At least I didn't fart. (laughs)

TJ, our pastor: (stops mid-sentence) What's going on over there?

Me: Oh, I was saying...uh, at least I didn't fart.

Group of people: (Stare in silence)

Me: (incessant need to explain EVERYTHING no matter how ridiculous, knowing I can just say never mind, carry on but somehow those words just don't come out, instead, I must explain how I burped and said excuse me and then said at least I didn't fart, etc. etc., enduring the awkward silence and some embarrassed laughter, at least, it seemed embarrassed, it could have been pity laughter, but same diff, because either way, I said at least I didn't fart, and how many ways are there to react to that announcement.)

1 comment:

shaunbwilson said...

You misquoted me in your entry.
