Monday, February 25, 2013

I made my own "You know you're...." list.

My carefully comprised first volume of "You know you're a nursing student when..." is finally available for the low, low price of...well...nothing. *cough* I do accept monetary donations, however. Sooooooooooooo. Without further ado, here it is.

1) Instead of typing the word "with", you look for the "c" with the little line over it.
2) In spin class, the guy on the bike next to you who doesn't have a water bottle becomes "at Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume". This happens everywhere.
3) Conversations about bodily functions/fluids with your nursing school friends are not only accepted, but expected; and followed-up by additional clarifying questions.
4) Your nursing school friends are more like family. You cry with them, you laugh with them, you agonize about the side effects of diuretics, ACE Inhibitors and Anticholinergics with them.
5) You've taken a multiple-choice test with 4 correct responses and have chosen the MOST correct response. 
6) You think of your previous stellar GPA with a hysterical little giggle, mentally lower your standards, and get excited when you score above the 75% needed to pass. 
7) The clinical uniform you were once really excited about wearing one day...becomes your most dreaded nightmare of polyester-starched, itchy-sweaty awfulness that is stripped off your body the nano-second you step inside your front door after clinical.
8) You're in the school cafeteria and ask someone politely to move their bag so you can roll your wheelie-backpack between 2 tables, and a young whippersnapper says to you "Wouldn't it be easier to PICK UP your backpack?" And you sweetly retort "How about YOU come and PICK UP 50 pounds of nursing school textbooks?" He says nothing.
9) If you could somehow manipulate the lab equipment to begin an IV infusion of coffee, you would TOTALLY do it.
10) Your vocabulary expands momentously to words you never thought to hear in conversation, but now roll off your tongue like you were born to say "I'm feeling tachycardic and diaphoretic about this exam

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