Monday, July 7, 2008

Tales of Toilet Paper

So Chris and I were visiting friends of his, Andy & Amber at their home in Pennsylvania. This was my first time meeting them; Andy is a childhood friend of Chris' whom he doesn't get to see often. Oh, they have 2 really cute kids. I mention the kids because one of them is directly involved in this most awkward of moments. So to set the scene, we're all sitting around in the living room just chatting, and their little girl, age 5, goes off to use the restroom. Below is what happened after she left the living room...

5 year old, calling from bathroom down the hall: "Mommmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy! Helloooooo! I need toilettt pappperrrrrrrrrrr!"

Andy: What? Did she say she needs toilet paper? Is there none in there?

Amber: Well, there was.

Me (over-loud): OH!!! Actually that's my fault. When I used the restroom...I used the rest of the roll. But it seemed pretty awkward to just come out of the bathroom and announce that.

Chris (laughs): So instead you just said nothing, and now you get to announce it anyway.

Me: Yeah, instead I wait until someone else is stuck in the bathroom without toilet paper. Oh boy.

Amber & Andy: (pity laughter)

Chris: You should put this on your blog!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I <3 <3 <3 your blog, to the maxxx.